Create a new notebook

  1. To create a new notebook, just launch the app and choose New... > Notebook.

  2. Now, let's set these properties of your notebook:

    New Notebook Popup.jpeg

  3. Choose a template from the bottom list, then tap Create.

Amazing! You've just created your first notebook!

<aside> 💡 Want to jot down some quick notes without going through the formal steps to create a notebook? Tap New... > QuickNote, or simply double-tap that New… button. This creates a temporary one-page, coverless notebook in the paper template you last chose. Once done, you can choose to save the QuickNote notebook, move it to a folder, merge it with an existing notebook, or discard it.


Take notes!

Use the note-taking tools

By default, you’re in Handwriting Mode, and Goodnotes has a lot of tools to help you take great notes! Here are some of the most useful ones:

Move around your document

To take precise notes, you may want to zoom in for a closer look at the details on the page and navigate easily around your document.