Create a Goodnotes account

To start using Goodnotes 6, you will be asked to log in to what’s called a “Goodnotes account.” This account is used to identify your subscription status so that we can make sure you enjoy the exclusive benefits you’re currently subscribed to.

It’s very easy to create a Goodnotes account! Simply log in to one of the following accounts that you likely already have: a Google, Apple, or Microsoft account. Any of those accounts that you sign in to within Goodnotes becomes your Goodnotes account. For this reason, you can have as many Goodnotes accounts as the number of accounts you have with those third-party services.


Redownload the app

To make your note-taking experience more fun and smooth, we recommend getting Goodnotes on all your Apple devices!

  1. Make sure to log in to the (Mac) App Store with the same Apple ID you used for the original download.

  2. Visit Goodnotes App Store page or your Purchase History.

    <aside> 💡 On iPad or iPhone, you can quickly access the Purchase History by long-pressing the App Store app and choosing Purchased.



  3. Find Goodnotes, then choose the “Download from Cloud” button.

<aside> ➡️ See also Unlock the app


Questions & answers

<aside> ➡️ Learn next: Get to know the main interface.
